This week O'Reilly has provided five copies of Perl Testing: A Developer's Notebook for Perlcast to give away. You might remember that Perlcast did an interview with Ian Langworth and chromatic, the authors of Perl Testing, a month or so ago.
Monday through Friday of this week, we will be holding a daily contest for a copy of Perl Testing. Each contest will take the form of a question. Answers should be emailed to perlcast at gmail dot com. Entries will be accepted for 24 hours following each contest posting. Everyone with a correct answer will be entered into a drawing to be held soon after each days submission deadline.
Today's question comes straight from the sample chapter available online at O'Reilly. Here goes:
"Perl's documentation suggests using h2xs to create new modules. What module, that Ian and chromatic mention, is just a modern alternative for the h2xs method?"
Good luck and thanks for listening.